Analytics Integration Guide


This document is designed to help you quickly and easily integrate analytics into your website.

Step 1: Sign Up

First, create an account on Visit our website and complete the sign-up process. Once registered, you can access your dashboard, where you will find your unique site ID and the tracking script under the 'Analytics' section on the sidebar.

Step 2: Install the Tracking Script

To start collecting data, you need to install the tracking script on your website. Find your personalized script in the dashboard. It should look something like this:

Your code will look something like this
<script defer data-domain="AD_1707938500838I288" src=""></script>

Replace the above code with the code generated for your website.

Where to Place the Script

Place the tracking script in your HTML's <head> section before any other scripts. This ensures the script loads promptly, capturing data from all page views.

Step 3: Verify Installation

After installing the script, visit your website to trigger the first-page view. Then, return to your dashboard to verify that the visit is recorded. This confirms that the tracking script is correctly installed and operational. Once operational, the screen changes to a dashboard with your website data.

Please clear the cache to refresh the header codes on your website. Purge the cache if you use Cloudflare.


Our support team is here to assist you if you encounter any issues or have questions during the integration process. Search our support center or contact us directly at [email protected].

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